How to Install Nethunter (Kali Linux) on Android

incredible hacker

Table of Contents:

1. What Is Kali Linux NetHunter?

2. Install Termux on Your Phone

3. Upgrade Repositories

4. Install NetHunter

5. Start Kali NetHunter

6. Install NetHunter KeX

7. Using Kali Linux Nethunter on Android

8. Frequently Asked Questions


Are you interested in exploring the world of penetration testing and security auditing on your Android phone? Look no further than Kali Linux NetHunter, the mobile version of the renowned Kali Linux operating system. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing NetHunter on any unrooted Android phone. With NetHunter, you'll gain access to a wide range of powerful penetration testing tools right at your fingertips. Let's dive in!

What Is Kali Linux NetHunter?

Kali Linux NetHunter is the mobile version of the popular Kali Linux security operating system. You can install it on any unrooted Android phone to run many penetration testing tools from your phone.

NetHunter Versions:

* NetHunter Rootless: Suitable for unrooted Android phones.

* NetHunter: Designed for rooted phones with custom recovery and a NetHunter-specific kernel.

* NetHunter Lite: Created for phones with custom recovery.

The NetHunter suite, available in all three versions, includes the following components:

• NetHunter App Store: A collection of hundreds of security applications.

• Kali Linux container: Contains all the apps available in Kali Linux.

•  Android app: Provides access to the NetHunter App Store.

• NetHunter KeX (Desktop Experience): Enables running Kali Linux desktop sessions, complete with screencasting and mirroring functionality.

Steps to Install Kali Linux NetHunter on Android

Before we begin, please make sure your Android phone is running Android 7 or a newer version. It is recommended to use an Android version before 12, as the latter may monitor and terminate resource-intensive processes.

1\. Install Termux on Your Phone

To begin the installation process, you will first need to install Termux on your Android phone. Although the option to download the app is available via Google Play Store, we recommend visiting the app's GitHub page to ensure you have the latest version. Here's how you can do it:

1. Download the Termux app from its [GitHub page](

2. Tap on the downloaded file to install it.

By default, your phone may not allow app installations from unknown sources. To enable installations from your browser, follow these steps:

1. Tap on "Settings" when prompted to set up permissions.

2. You will be redirected to a settings page. Choose the option to allow app installs from your browser.

2\. Upgrade Repositories

Now that you have Termux installed on your phone, let's proceed with upgrading the repositories. Termux utilizes APT (Advanced Package Tool) for software installation, just like Debian Linux and its derived versions. Here's what you need to do:

1. Open Termux on your Android phone.

2. Run the following command to update the repositories:

apt update

3. After the update command completes, run the upgrade command to upgrade all packages to their latest versions:

apt upgrade

4. If prompted with "Do you want to continue?", enter "Y" to continue with the upgrade process.

Additionally, consider familiarizing yourself with basic Linux commands to make better use of Termux.

3\. Install NetHunter

With the repositories upgraded, it's time to install NetHunter on your Android phone. Follow these steps:

1. Install Wget by running the following command in Termux:

apt install wget

2. When prompted with "Do you want to continue?", reply with "Y".

3. Download the NetHunter installation file by running the command below:

wget -O install-nethunter-termux

Ensure that you enter the address correctly.

4. Adjust the file permissions of the downloaded file, making it executable:

chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

5. Execute NetHunter by running the following command:


The installation process may take some time, depending on your internet connection speed.

6. When prompted with the option to delete the downloaded rootfs file, reply with "N" as you may need it later.

4\. Start Kali NetHunter

Now that NetHunter is installed on your Android phone, let's start using it. Follow these steps:

1. To start the Kali Linux NetHunter command line interface, type in the following command in Termux:


You can also use the shortcut command "nh" to access NetHunter.

2. To set the NetHunter KeX password, exit the NetHunter command line interface using the "exit" command, and then run this command:

nethunter kex passwd

Enter the desired password when prompted.

3. To start NetHunter KeX, use the following command:

nethunter kex

Make a note of the RFB Port number, as you will need it later.

At this point, NetHunter is up and running on your Android phone. However, some display configurations may need to be adjusted.

5\. Install NetHunter KeX

NetHunter KeX is the App Store for NetHunter, featuring a variety of tools not available on regular app stores. It is important not to confuse it with Samsung Dex. Follow these steps to install NetHunter KeX:

1. Visit the NetHunter App Store website from your Android phone.

2. Download and install the NetHunter Store app.

3. Launch the NetHunter Store app, search for "NetHunter KeX," and install it.

4. After the NetHunter Store app downloads the NetHunter KeX app, you will be asked whether you wish to install it. Tap on "Install".

5. Launch NetHunter KeX. The app will require you to enter the KeX username and password. The username is optional, so you can leave it blank. Enter the previously set password and ensure the port number matches the one you configured for NetHunter KeX. Finally, click on "Connect".

If you have followed all the steps correctly, you should now have Kali NetHunter GUI running on your Android phone.

Using Kali Linux Nethunter on Android

Once Kali NetHunter is successfully installed on your Android phone, you can choose from the following input modes depending on your comfort level and needs:

• Direct Swipe Pan: In this mode, you can control the mouse directly by touching it. Tapping on the mouse will perform a click at the corresponding position.

Direct Hold Pan: Long-tapping enables the pan mode where you can navigate by dragging your finger. Tapping on the screen will perform a click at that location.

Single Hand: Similar to the Direct Swipe Pan mode, except that long-tapping opens a menu with additional options.

Simulated Touchpad: This mode converts your Android screen into a simulated touchpad, allowing you to control the mouse cursor.

Choose the input mode that suits you best and start exploring the world of Kali Linux NetHunter on your Android phone!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I install Kali Linux NetHunter on a rooted Android phone?

A1: Yes, you can install NetHunter on a rooted Android phone with a custom recovery and a NetHunter-specific kernel.

Q2: Is it possible to install NetHunter on an unrooted Android phone?

A2: Absolutely! NetHunter Rootless is specifically designed for unrooted Android phones.

Q3: What is the NetHunter App Store?

A3: The NetHunter App Store is a comprehensive collection of security applications that can be accessed through the NetHunter Android app.

Q4. Can I run Kali Linux desktop sessions on my Android phone?

A4: Yes, NetHunter KeX enables you to run Kali Linux desktop sessions on your Android phone.

Q5: Are there any alternative penetration testing tools available for Android and desktop?

A5: Yes, in addition to Kali Linux NetHunter, there are several other penetration testing tools available for Android and desktop environments. Explore the wide range of options to find the ones that suit your specific requirements.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to install Kali Linux NetHunter on your Android phone. By following the provided step-by-step instructions, you can now explore the world of penetration testing and security auditing right from your mobile device. Remember to make the most of the NetHunter App Store, install additional penetration testing tools, and familiarize yourself with the NetHunter KeX desktop experience. Enjoy exploring the powerful capabilities of Kali Linux NetHunter on your Android phone!

For more information on cybersecurity, penetration testing, and related topics, stay tuned to our blog and keep enriching your knowledge!

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